Singing Guide: Lou Christie

Singing Guide: Lou Christie

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Lou Christie is a successful American singer who is known for his unique falsetto voice and mastery of phrasing. If you want to learn to sing like Lou Christie, there are some key techniques you should understand and incorporate into your practice.

One of the most important aspects of Christie's singing style is his use of falsetto. To work on your falsetto, use Singing Carrots' Pitch Training exercises. They are designed to help you develop an even sound across all registers, and to increase your ability to hit high notes with ease and accuracy.

Another technique that Christie uses to great effect in his singing is phrasing. Christie is known for his inventive use of phrasing, which often involves a drawn-out melodic line that rises and falls in unexpected ways. This use of phrasing can make his songs both catchy and memorable. To develop your own phrasing skills, it is important to work on your breath support. Singing Carrots' Breathing Basics article covers breath support in more detail, and is a great place to start.

Christie is also known for his ability to maintain control over his voice, even during high-energy performances. One key to Christie's vocal control is in his use of active and passive breathing techniques. These techniques allow a singer to not only control their breathing, but also their sound and tone. In order to master these techniques yourself, it's a good idea to review Singing Carrots' Passive and Active Breathing article and practice exercises like the Farinelli Breathing video.

Finally, if you want to sing like Lou Christie, it's important to practice singing in different registers with different vocal techniques. Singing Carrots' Vocal Registers and the Vocal Break article goes in-depth about vocal registers and how to identify and use them. You can also try Singing Carrots' Twang and Belting exercises. These exercises will help you to develop the skills necessary to belt out songs with confidence and control.

With these tips and Singing Carrots' resources at your disposal, you can develop your falsetto, phrasing, breath support, and vocal control, and start singing like Lou Christie.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.